1$, 1 Door: An Organizing Initiative to Flip NC Blue, Change Our Country, and Transform Our…For every dollar donated, we will knock on a door in a county that Trump won in 2020.Aug 23, 2021Aug 23, 2021
Taking on Financial Injustice: Postal Banking for NCAlmost 25% of Americans are being underserved by our banking systems, being left either without banking services or being forced to go to…Jul 13, 2021Jul 13, 2021
One Day is Not Enough. We Need Reparations.While we celebrate Juneteenth, and the fact that it’s now a federal holiday, let’s remember that one day is not enough.Jun 19, 2021Jun 19, 2021
Policy is Personal: Small Farms & Minority FarmersI grew up on a family farm in rural North Carolina. Even then, it was hard on small farms and Black farmers. My sisters and I worked in the…Jun 1, 2021Jun 1, 2021
Policy is Personal: The Green New DealWhile serving in the state senate, I saw my district get hit hard by storms and floods that took lives and livelihoods. It’s also one of…May 27, 2021May 27, 2021
Policy is Personal: Universal BroadbandBroadband is not a luxury, it’s a utility. But in too many communities across North Carolina, including my own, access to broadband is…May 22, 2021May 22, 2021
Policy is Personal: HBCUsAs a teenager growing up on a small, rural farm, I knew that college would be my best shot at improving the quality of life for me and my…May 15, 2021May 15, 2021
Policy is Personal: Medicare for AllOur broken healthcare system prioritizes profits over people. That is fundamentally wrong and wholly immoral. I had a medically fragile…May 13, 2021May 13, 2021
Policy is PersonalPolicy can lift up those who’ve been held down, it can see those who’ve gone unseen and it can remember those who’ve been forgotten. For…May 12, 2021May 12, 2021
Andrew Brown & Elizabeth CityAndrew Brown was executed in Elizabeth City North Carolina.Apr 28, 2021Apr 28, 2021