My campaign for U.S. Senate has always been about bringing people together to meet what is a very challenging moment for our state and for our country.

We are just on the verge of finishing our 100 county, 100 day tour and what I have seen as I have traveled across this state is that we are not as divided as the nightly news, and even certain election results would have us believe. We are all caught in the same rigged economy, in the same broken healthcare system, and facing the same climate crisis. I believe that it’s time we stop suffering alone. And I believe that majority of us want to come together and have these important conversations about the future of our state and the future of our country.

That’s why we’re launching a bold new initiative:

For every dollar donated to our campaign, we will knock on a door in a county that Trump won in 2020.

1 dollar, one door. 5 dollars, 5 doors. 20 dollars, 20 doors.

We’re going to be going into red counties, knocking on doors, and having the important conversations that need to be had. Conversations about how the same broken system is failing all of us and about how the only way we can change that is by coming together.

It’s time we stop seeing these doors as walls and recognize the humanity of the person behind the door.

I’ve walked through enough of these doors to understand that behind each and every one of them is someone facing life’s deepest challenges. A family that can’t afford their medication. Someone without health insurance. A mom struggling to work three jobs just to make ends meet. The person who breathes the same air and drinks the same water that we do. The person who’s working more and more, but making less and less, caught in the same rigged economy that we are, who lost a loved one because of a for-profit healthcare system that disregards them just as much as it disregards us. The person whose child has fallen behind because their broadband is insufficient just like mine is, and school is underfunded just like my children’s was.

We can keep going down this path of tribalism and division, of cynicism and alienation…or we can forge a new way forward.

That starts with showing up, with a conversation. We have to knock on these doors because there’s a person every bit as human and worthy as we are behind them. This is the foundation of our campaign. If we can make people feel less alone, and see our struggles as connected, we can come together and build a brighter future and manifest a new coalition that ensures that our government truly works for all of us.

I’m a 51-year-old Black woman who’s spent almost all of her life in the south. I’m not naive to the challenges we face. I just believe that together we can overcome them.

I believe in North Carolina. I believe in US.

Check out the dollar door initiative launch video here:



Erica D. Smith

Three-term NC Senator 2014–2020, Curriculum & Instructional Specialist, ordained clergywoman, environmental & social justice advocate, former Mech. Engineer